Thursday, 12 June 2014

Warbat: IaMagit Una Kubu Ramu Midal

Warbat: IaMagit Una Kubu Ramu Midal (Girl Hang Your Pendant)

A Warbat
Traditional love songs in Kuanua are known as Warbat. Some of them have gone into oblivion while others remain and sung from time to time. Most now are not sung for the purpose of wooing a girl but for entertainment. There is one that was sung in a choir during one of the George Brown celebrations at Vunairima years ago. The choir master was the pastor of Walaur United Church the late Iolam ToParaide. I still remember the warbat. The composer of this warbat is most likely from Wuatam Island. The Warbat is titled "IaMagit Una Kubu Ramu Midal".

"IaMagit Una Kubu Ramu Midal"

IaMagit una kubu ramu midal uaii.
IaMagit una kubu ramu midal uaii.
Ma itar tamatamarakan,
Na ra ika matam,
Tanamo ramu ika midal,
Na wawulwul,
Do ra warmur ra biawi.

Ma namo ra beba ik,
Itar pukai lo,op,
Ma ra tulungen na wiruaii,
A bebe warpilane.

Wuaai iauu ma u IaMagit,
U balabala tinangi,
Na wurnunuk na bala marmari mulai uti,
Ra biawi.